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    Lynnette0807's Profile
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03 Jun 2017

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Connecticut, USA




Babysitter of grandchildren


photo manipulation, crochet, drawing

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Advantage Member: No
Entries Posted: 364
Total Votes: 1,853
Votes Per Post: 5.09
Contest Wins: 49
Second Place: 51
Third Place: 58
Fourth Place: 57
Fifth Place: 42
Win Percentage: 13.5%
Rank Per Post: 45.16%
PSCore: 42.66
Contest Entry Portfolio

Bear Binger

Zombie Leopard


The Escape

Partial Bug
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Lynnette0807's Favorite Entries

by Luxwiz

by Luxwiz

by Luxwiz

by adamhmm

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Extended User Profile
Favorite Quote:
Want in one hand, shit in another, see which fills the fastest!

Favorite Movie:
No favorite, horror, action thriller

Favorite Book:
House of night series by PC Cast

Favorite Bands:
Bad company

Favorite Songs:
No favorite, dance, rock, 60 - 80's

Favorite Photoshop Tool:
Pen, but use quick selection daily

How did you get your PSC nickname?
It's my name

What is your real name and age?
Lynnette 52

Where are you from and what do you like best about being there?
Connecticut and I like everything about being here

What do you do to keep the bills paid?
I don't have bills, I throw them in the trash

What do you do in your spare time?
Crochet, take care of 1000 grandkids, draw

How did you find PSC, and what do you like most about the site?
I found it doing a search online for PS tutorials. I like the tutorials and the daily contests because I am learning so much from other extremely talented artists

If you could change one thing at PSC, what would it be and why?
I would change the voting system, I would add more secret contests

Is there any other information about you would like to pass on?
Yes I am a nut case:-)

How many hours per week do you spend on PSC?
about 14, at least 2 hours a day. I would spend more but not much to do here.

What other sites, not Photoshop related, do you like to surf?
I don't surf, I check my email, facebook

What tools do you use to chop?
PS of course,

What gets your creative juices flowing, how do you create a masterpiece?
Quiet, peaceful room gets my juices flowing. No interruptions of any kind, and my mind will just go on and on thinking all sorts of ideas.

What inspires you?
Friend, family & grandchildren.

Do you have a system? Does a chop have to be done a certain way following steps or are you a messy chopper and just go with the flow?
Messy chopper, I will start with one idea, fall into another, and change things at least 3 times before I make an actual piece.

What style of chop do you prefer to create?
I enjoy chopping the image to pieces, rearrange and make something else. If I can do it with all source, I will but if not, I will add pieces of this and that.

Filters, brushes and techniques: Which do you use, and not use, and why?
I use a lot of different blends on layers. I use the quick mask tool, daily as well as the pen and paint tools. I don't use the other tools probably because I need to learn more

When do you know that you have it just right, or is it constant changes up until, or after, you post?
I find it very hard to make a composite just right. I change until I finally upload it, but change again with the advice from other members.

What is the limit to what you will chop?
I don't really have a limit but if something comes up in bad taste, to each is their own. I don't have to agree or like it.

Are there any tips and/or tricks that you would like to pass along to less experienced choppers?
Not right now since I am still new but one thing I would like to say is just keep going. Don't stop just because no votes, listen to the other members who know what they are doing. It will help immensely

What is your favorite type of source image, and why?
I don't have a favorite. I enjoy working with them all.

There is often talk about how the source is used and to what extent it should be. What are your views on all sources, outside source use and animations?
I am not sure because it still confuses me. I would like to be able to just use source, which is really hard, but I need outside source sometimes to complete my composite.

What is your preferred resource for outside source images?
pixabay, splash, google advanced searches

In your opinion what makes a good chop?
Unique, clean, crisp, can't see any cuts, edges or mask marks

Do you have a system to get things started?
I just sit in front of the computer, look at the image, in quiet surroundings

Have you ever completed a chop and then decided not to enter it in the contest? If so, why?
Nope, everything I have done, I have entered whether I think it's good or not.

After you finish your chop do you just post it or seek opinions of family and/or fellow choppers first?
Most of the time I just post it. I don't have many family and friends who are around to judge first but if they were here at that time I would ask them to look and tell me what they think.

If some one finds a fault in your work do you change it or stay with what you posted?
I myself change it. I feel it's not about the votes but a learners tool for me. Everything they give me as advice, I take and practice with it to learn

What qualities do you look for when deciding to vote on a chop?
I am still new but I look for ragged edges, masks showing, just small mistakes but I am not picky. If a chop looks good, I vote, if it doesn't I don't, all depends.

Some member prefer not to vote for filtered chops or animations. Is there any particular style/type of chop you won't vote for?
No I will take the time to vote and participate. I vote for the chops that I think are really good, clean, fun.

Time is always a factor, how much time do you spend on a chop and how much time is too much?
There is never too much time to spend on a chop, its done when I think it's done

We all love to get votes. Now are you a constant vote checker or do you just let it go and check once a day? (be honest)
I am a constant vote checker but not for my votes. I make sure I sign on at least once a day, view new entries so I can vote on them, look at the forums and stuff like that.

What chop of yours did not do as well as you expected?
I think the contest on Tuesdays because some of mine I think should or could have received more votes so not just one chop.

What do you consider your best chop so far?
Not sure but I do like the snow to beach one.

What do you consider your worst chop so far?
I didn't like how this one came out

Who is your favorite chopper out there and why?
There are so many talented artists here I couldn't pick just one

What do you NOT like to see in a chop, and why not?
Not much offends me, not much

What is the best chop of all time?
Not sure yet, still learning, looking around, lots of lots to read and see

Do you have any other PSC related comments to add?
Not really, I just like this site and am very happy I found it.

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